New Semester and an Update

Well, those two months went rather quickly, didn’t they? And no, I didn’t forget about my blog. Quite the contrary: I agonized again and again over how neglected my little space on the web was becoming. This time, though, I was actively waiting until it felt appropriate to produce something. That date kept slipping further and further away. This included updates on my classwork, my ongoing game projects, my work at Phoenix Online Studios, as well as the research project I was working on for the first half of last year. I’m going to try to address as many of these as I can, and talk about the upcoming semester in this post.

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Making the Epic of Sadko: Overall Update

Today, I am providing you with an overall update on The Epic of Sadko. As you may know, I am developing The Epic of Sadko as part of my course credit for a class I am taking on game engine design. One of the upcoming deadlines for this is our final design document and a presentation of the game design. Of course a design document is never really done (I’ve submitted my “final” one twice already), but having submitted this document, I feel like I have a good idea of how a lot of the game will work and what people should expect. With that in mind, I’m going to give an update on some ideas I’ve come up with over the past few weeks.

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Making the Epic of Sadko: Skills (Part 1)

Hello all. This post I’m going to discuss skills in The Epic of Sadko, which I said I would in the last post. I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about skills for this game, and I’m still not done thinking about it yet. It is for this reason that this is Skills (Part 1), as I will need to update this later. Additionally, the skills for the game are one of the largest parts of the game, so there will be many updates down the road as skills become implemented. Before I get right into the skills, though, I’m going to give a brief update on the status of the game overall.

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Summer in the City

Greetings again readers! I have come to tell you what has happened during the summer while I was off doing other things. And the answer is… a whole lot of not much. Exciting isn’t it? I haven’t done much updating in the past two months simply because there hasn’t been much to post about. There isn’t much to say now, either, but I figured that I can’t ignore WordPress for much longer. So without any further ado, here’s what I did this summer.

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